Dr. Zhuang Niu
Department of Mathematics
University of WyΩing
Laramie, WyΩing, 82071
Office: Ross Hall 323
Email: zniu at uwyo dot edu
Research Interests: Operator Algebras, K-Theory, Dynamical Systems.
Teaching (Fall 2024)
- Real Variables, I.
- Topic in Analysis.
Some Past Conferences:
- RMMC Summer School, June 6--10, 2022: Free Probability, Random Matrices, and Applications.
- Special Session at CMS Summer Meeting 2022 (St. John's, Newfoundland): Advances in Operator Algebras, June 4-5, 2022.
- The Big Tent: Talks for Mathematical Scientists, September 14--17, 2020 : In honor of Myron Allen's retirement. (ZOOM)
- AMS Special Session at JMM 2020 (Denver): C*-Algebras, Dynamical Systems and Applications (Some slides)
- 24th West Coast Operator Algebra Seminar, October 15--16, 2016.
- RMMC Summer School and CBMS Conference, June 1--12, 2015: The Structure of C*-Algebras and the Classification.
Some External Links: